Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

I've been sitting for the last month super sad because I have so many amazing ideas for fragrance releases and bundles for all the holidays coming up. The most frustrating part is not being able to make wax because I don't know when the non-essential business ban will be lifted. Because we have been in a shelter in place status, I can't go back and forth to the post office for mail drops. My state is only allowing for medical appointments, essential work, and grocery shopping. The flip side to this is that my wax supplier is also based in Washington and is not able to supply wax to me at this time. 

Because I'm expecting a baby (Easter due date!), have an autoimmune disease, and have been severely anemic, my immune system is completely shot so I'm also in the high risk group. I haven't left my home in weeks outside of my midwifery appointments. I'm going crazy, friends. How are you all doing? If you need someone to talk to, vent, cry, you can email me at emeraldcitywaxco@gmail.com. Times are stressful, and I'm here for you.

With all this time on my hands, I'm curating some amazing fragrances for you all!


I've got some really fun ideas for a Father's Day Bundle and I'm hoping I can get more wax and start business up again by that time.

While I'm on this mandatory hiatus, what are some fragrances you would love to try? Have some cute/funny/fun molds you can recommend? What have been your favorite fragrances so far? What can I do to improve? Any scents need a boost? Let me know at emerladcitywaxco@gmail.com!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter! I hear the Easter Bunny is still stopping at homes to hide eggs! We're planning to FaceTime our family and take them on our Easter Egg hunt. 

As soon as baby arrives, I will be announcing the winner of the Baby Game Bundle! The closest guess wins (if multiple people for one guess, winner is chosen at random).

Much love and support to you all during this stressful time. Wishing you all well!
Emerald City Wax Company

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